Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grace Episcopal 101 Session III

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of it’s Parts
Organization of the Church

I. Universal Church
A. Scripture
B. History
2. Referring back to our first meeting,
a. The first use of the word “Catholic” (Circa 160-200 – The word “catholic” used by Bishops uniting to fight heresies. The church becomes more organized with Bishops, Presbyters (priests), Deacons, and Laity as distinct levels of ministry. Christian writings begin to be sorted and compiled for common worship. The earliest form of the Apostle’s Creed was used as a test for new Christians.)
b. Nicene Creed
i. 325 – The First General Council of the Church, Nicea. Established the “Nicene Creed” to establish church unity and the theology of the Trinity.
3. Much to Constantine's annoyance, God's harmony continued to elude the Christian Church - as churchmen disagreed over the exact nature of Jesus. In 325, he called for the Church's first ecumenical (general) council, which was to meet in the city of Nicaea for the purpose of deciding by committee the nature of Jesus Christ and other issues.
a. Of Christianity's 1,800 or so bishops, 318 attended the conference - most of them from the eastern half of the empire. Constantine presided over the meeting. One group of bishops, led by the bishop Arius, claimed that God and Jesus were separate beings, that because Jesus was God's son there must have been a time when Jesus did not exist. Another group of bishops could not accept the notion that Jesus had been created from nothing and insisted that he had to be divine and therefore a part of God.
4. Division of Church into regions
i. Death of Emperor Constantine (337 AD) divides “world” in East and West, thus dividing the church into “Eastern Orthodox” and “Roman Catholic.”)
5. Each of his three sons - Constantius II, Constantine II, and Constans - acquired the title Augustus.
a. Constantius II inherited rule in the eastern portion of the empire.
b. Constans, inherited rule in Italy, North Africa and Illyricum.
c. Constantine II inherited rule in Spain, Britannia and Gaul,
i. being the eldest son he claimed authority over his brothers, who were unwilling to submit, and in the year 340 he invaded Italy.
ii. Brother warred against brother, Christian against Christian. Constans won and Constantine II died.

iii. World Wide Anglican Communion
6. Christianity and England
a. We already know how Christianity got to Great Britian
b. Made the official church of the Crown
c. Church of England, like much of English culture, spread through imperialism.
II. Today, the Anglican Episcopal family consists of an estimated 80 million Christians who are members of 44 different churches.
B. Primarily followed the expansion of the British Empire
C. The leadership of the Communion is a confederation known as the “Instruments of Communion”
1. Archbishop of Canterbury- The 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon Rowan Douglas Williams, was enthroned on the Feast of Blessed George Herbert, 27th February, 2003. He was previously Archbishop of Wales. His immediate predecessor was the Rt Revd Lord Carey of Clifton. The Archbishops of Canterbury are seen by the Anglican Communion of churches as their spiritual leader. He is primus inter pares, first among equals of the other Primates (Chief Archbishops, Presiding Bishops) of the various provinces. He is the Primate of All England and Diocesan of the Diocese of Canterbury. His "seat" is in Canterbury Cathedral where there is also "St Augustine's Chair" that marks the significance of Canterbury to Anglicans
2. Lambeth Conferences- The Lambeth Conference of bishops meets every 10 years solely at the personal invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1st. In 1867 Lambeth Palace hosted the first meeting but as the numbers grew the conference moved to Canterbury,
2nd. 2008, the invited bishops gathered at Christ Church Cathedral and the University.
i. A design group assists the Archbishop in the planning of the conference.
ii. There are appointed staff members as well as co-operative efforts of many people that support the Archbishop of Canterbury's own ministry, at Canterbury, the Anglican Communion Office, Church House and more.
iii. The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion serves as the secretary of the conference
iv. Their meetings are held in various provinces, by invitations, every 2-3 years
3. Anglican Consultative Council
a. Between Lambeth Conferences the WWAF is guided by Anglican Consultative Council
b. Study issues and make policy recommendations
4. Provinces
a. WWAF made up of up 34 provinces, 4 United Churches, and 6 other churches, spread across the globe.
c. Primates:
1st. The use of the title PRIMATE in the context of meetings of the Anglican Communion denotes the chief archbishop or bishop of a province of the Anglican Episcopal family of churches.
2nd. The “chief” designation is of importance here as in some provinces, such as Ireland and England, there are actually two archbishops holding the title “primate” So the chief archbishop of these two provinces becomes Primate of “All” Ireland and “All” England.
3rd. In certain provinces the primate is also called Archbishop and/or Metropolitan, while in others for historical reasons, the term Presiding Bishop, or as in Scotland, Primus, is preferred. In some provinces the term is translated to their own language such as Obispo Primado, in the Province of the Southern Cone (South America).
5th. Primatial See- The cathedral which serves as the home church of the Primate. Primates Meetings- The Primates of the Anglican Communion are the chief Archbishops, Presiding Bishops, Chief Pastors of the various Provinces of the global church. Their churches are autonomous yet inter-dependent in their relationships with each other. The Archbishop of Canterbury chairs their meetings, which are held at varying intervals at various places in the Anglican World. The primates have no authority as a "body" and their own national churches determine how their ministry is carried out in their own context. The customs and responsibilities vary from Province to Province
d. Episcopal Church
1st. History
i. Broke from the “Church of England” following the US Revolution
iii. First Bishop Samuel Seabury
2nd. Organizational Structure of the US church
i. General Convention
1. national gathering
a. Every 3 years
b. There are two houses here, Bishops and Deputies
2. And they decide things, big and small
3. They also select a “Presiding Bishop” that holds office for 8 years. The Presiding Bishop is our answer to the Primates in other parts of the Communion
3rd. The US Church also has it’s own Provinces:
ii. Our Province:
1. We are in # IV (Southeast)
2. .
iii. Note: There are 110 Dioceses in ECUSA and each has a Bishop
1. Diocese:
2. The Diocese of Tennessee
a. In 1829, representatives from four congregations met in Nashville to hold the first convention of the Episcopal Church in the State of Tennessee.
b. Today, three dioceses comprise the original boundaries:
i. Diocese of West Tennessee created in 1983,
ii. Diocese of East Tennessee in 1985
iii. The continuing Diocese of Tennessee.
c. Though separated, the three dioceses maintain a number of shared ministries. ( )
3. 45 parishes and missions
4. Rt. Rev. John C. Bauerschmidt, Bishop
4th. Organization of Congregations
i. Parishes elect Vestries
1. Responsible for finances of congregation (income and expense)
2. Work with Rector in ministry
3. Work with Bishop in selection of ordained clergy
4. Positions
a. Senior Warden- Rep of Rector to Vestry
b. Jr. Warden-
i. Rep of congregation to Vestry
ii. Also building and grounds
ii. Missions elect Mission’s Councils
1. Responsible for finances of congregation (income and expense)
2. Work with Vicar in ministry
3. Bishop appoints ordained clergy
4. Positions
a. Senior Warden- Rep of Vicar to Vestry
b. Jr. Warden-
i. Rep of congregation to Vestry
ii. Also building and grounds
iii. Both Priests and Congregants go to Diocesan Conventions
1. On matters needing voting, each vote in their own “house”
2. Each house has the same value